Hacks for the Best Experience
Everybody loves Hacks. Here are the best Kneeknocker Woods hacks to help you save time and money when you visit.
1. Avoid the long ticket and will call line and purchase or pick up your tickets at Axes in downtown Gibbon.
2. Avoid the parking lot traffic by parking downtown Gibbon at Axes and riding the Free shut- tle bus to and from Kneeknocker Woods.
3. Our busiest days will be October 20th, 21st, 27th and 28th. Avoid the crowds and visit one of our other open nights.
4. Get or pick up your tickets early, then go out to dinner. You will receive a text when it is your turn to go through the trail. As long as you are back by 11:45 that night you will be able to go through the trail.
5. Get Free Tickets - Listen to this radio station for ticket giveaways almost daily.
6. Get Free Tickets - Follow Kneeknockerwoods on facebook and interact with our post for a chance to win free trail tickets.
7. Buy Grandpa Grimms Loot! Play games, purchase food, purchase gift shop items and even redeem for tickets. Every $25 bag contains $30 worth of loot. You can even multiply your savings by using loot to purchase specials and discounted items.
8. Avoid the Hwy 30 Parking hassle and park around back. Instead of entering off Hwy 30, follow the signs around to our North parking at 46245, 78th Road. By doing so you will even be able to cross the creepy bridge and ride the free zombie tram to the front.
9. Enjoy Kneeknocker Woods without getting scared. Come and enjoy Grandmas Jack o Lan- tern Jaunt, play the skill games, have some good food and enjoy the atmosphere, you do not have to go through the scary trails to enjoy our attraction.
10. Bring the kids and get big discounts. Sneak into the back of Kneeknockerwoods at 46245, 78th road, Gibbon, Ne. with your kids on Thursdays October 19th and 26th starting at 7pm and get 2 for the price of 1 entry to Grandmas Jack O lantern Jaunt. Each guest will also receive a Free cup of hot cocoa. This will be good for young children and people who don’t want to be scared. Attention: Kneeknocker Woods main attractions are not open these nights. The only thing open is Grandmas Jack O Lantern Jaunt which is a short stroll through uniquely designed Jack O Lanterns.